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February 11, 2013
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday February 11, 2013
Town Hall Annex
             February 20, 2013

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins

The meeting was convened at 7:10 pm

The minutes of the December meeting were approved.
There was no meeting in January due to holidays on Mondays and members time conflicts.

Annual report
The Town Manager has requested we submit our 2012 Annual Report by February 8 but agreed to wait until after this meeting so it could be reviewed and approved by the commission’s members. A draft proposed draft was amended with several good suggestions from those present and will be submitted to the Town Manager in a few days.

Articles for Town Meeting Warrant
Lynne suggested wording for the two town warrant articles we wish to submit.
The first article is a transfer of $17k from Cemetery Receipts Account to Maintenance Account to improve the road in North Cemetery, purchase metal lot markers to mark the corners of each lot for all the cemeteries, rebuild the gate at West Cemetery, and purchase loam, seed and regrade  the ’56 & ’86 sections of Woodlawn Cemetery.
The second article is to raise and appropriate $2.5k to repair, restore and upgrade the ’96 Cemetery truck.

Perpetual Care Funds
The incoming amount, balance and allowed applications need to be better understood.

Size of the Commission Membership
Lynne has discovered the state mandates that there be at least 3 members of town Cemetery Commissions. Princeton has had 5 for some time. She raised the question, since we currently have only 3 members after the recent resignation of 2 members, should we just continue with three or seek 2 additional members? Paul and Lou felt we should continue to seek two additional members.

Superintendent’s Report
Bruce reported that he has had calls from several citizens inquiring about burials in lots not sold directly to them. This is somewhat of a tangled family matter and Lynne will check the exact wording of the 1956 purchase deeds to see who has the decision rights.

Next Year’s Budget
The proposed budget was submitted to the Town Manager as agreed upon in the Commission. No further word has been received.

South Cemetery Entrance
As part of the upgrading of the appearance of South Cemetery, the stone markers at the entrance to South will be relocated as similar markers are located at the entrance to Meetinghouse Cemetery.

Mapping Software
The Assessors have some software used to plot property locations. It was suggested we could use the same software to layout the plots in each of our cemeteries which would be of great use to us and the public in locating particular family plots. Lynne and Bruce will checkout this software.

Next month’s meeting – Our next meeting is scheduled for March 18 at 7 pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
